
Collecting and using data requires those responsible for delivering it (including government and corporations) to have sufficient oversight and accountability.

How important is it that services including government and corporations collecting and using data are accountable for their actions?

Why the contribution is important

The Scottish Government has committed to engaging with citizens and public, private and third sector organisations and is interested to hear your thoughts on this topic.

by Sophie_ScotGov on December 08, 2020 at 08:54AM

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  • Posted by Ingrid December 10, 2020 at 10:54

    Accountability is key, if an individual is sharing their data with you for whatever purpose then you must approach that with responsibility, you are taking 'care' of the data that individual has provided, it's not just a transaction, that responsible approach ties in with trust, trusted organisations who demonstrate this 'care' for people's data will benefit greatly , whether that's through customer trust, or citizen trust in a public body - all boils back down to Trust
  • Posted by SOCITM December 16, 2020 at 18:15

    The Ethical Digital Nation concept needs to recognise the need for effective, up-to-date and robust data sharing protocols and practices across local authorities and the wider local resilience forum community comprising police, fire and ambulance services; local authorities; the NHS; and other public and voluntary agencies. During the present Covid 19 emergency the lack of timely and efficient data exchange between central/local and across these multi-agency resilience partnerships has all too often lead to poor communications and confusion around the joined-up delivery of local data-dependent services localised Covid 19 responses.

    As a consequence, as an urgent priority the Scottish Government should commit to an early overhaul of the current Civil Contingencies legislation so that it sets in place a core multi-agency data sharing agreement and underpinning code of data and digital ethics that is mandatory upon all local reliance bodies and their central sponsoring departments and organisations.

    see more at
  • Posted by simonbarrow December 18, 2020 at 15:32

    The Scottish Community Safety Network has a useful information-sharing protocol here: http://www.safercommunities[…]g-Protocol-Template-PDF.pdf
  • Posted by Pepper December 22, 2020 at 08:24

    Tantamount that data is secure but can also be used in a way to streamline processes. Trust is built on delivering a great customer service.
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