Better building design and quality

Most houses are built cheaply and too fast (speed building) with profit as the main motive. As a result they are prone to damp, especially after a few decades. Insulation is generally seen as a remedy, but this too is generally poor quality and can lead to problems such as black mould, due to poor air circulation, and also serious health problems. PassivHaus design can almost eliminate the need for heating, even without achieving the official PassivHaus certification. If everyone lived in a PassivHaus, national electricity demand would plummet.

Even just education about basic building technology would make a huge difference. Making conditions easier for self-builders who want to build sustainable buildings could be a start. Making more courses available for trade builders and offering incentives.

Why the contribution is important

Most "green" initiatives become "greenwashing" as soon as the profit motive is introduced. Better to empower people to improve their own lives in ways that can improve life for all of us. Many people would love to be able to build their own home. Instead of building cheap, poor quality houses for people, why not make it easier for to build or collaborate on building their own homes, provided that these homes are built on sustainable principles?

by NatalieM on September 08, 2022 at 12:28PM

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  • Posted by grahamworrall September 08, 2022 at 13:22

    Building control stands in the way of people who know what they are doing better than they do
  • Posted by Eoghann September 08, 2022 at 14:18

    I don't think it is entirely fair to blame Building Control - they are just implementing standards they are given. In matters such as this, National Government has to take an honest lead, starting by saying that our current building standards and designs are to low and produce energy inefficient buildings which costs everyone money. Part of that honest has to include a clear statement thaat cheap construction cost will usually lead to much higher running costs.

    Having set much higher standards, national government needs to take a firmer line on ensuring those standards are met. One such way of doing this would be a "league table" showing building companies and other providers adherence to the standards 1* to 5* along with much wider publicity for the energy rating of buildings.
  • Posted by AngelaMLAnderson September 08, 2022 at 22:46

    I agree with this
  • Posted by Tony September 08, 2022 at 23:45

    One minor addition to this. Can we please start to take account of local conditions in building standards?

    For example the ventilation standards for the central belt result in cold, draughty houses in the highlands and islands?

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