Create Social Tariffs.

One issue that has come to light during the current crisis is that marginalised people are often disadvantaged when it comes to energy. From higher rates for prepay meters, poorer quality housing and so on.

There is no reason why this should happen. Even under current rules OfGem could fix these issues. It has chosen not to.

Creating tariffs that are available to people who are in energy poverty, old, disabled, young children and so forth would help alleviate this issue.

Why the contribution is important

People shouldn't be cold - the cost to society in increases to the NHS are more than the cost of discounting the energy.

Social tariffs can help prevent this and balance out the inequalities that poverty causes.

Obviously this has to be fair - we cannot simply place the burden onto one group in society - it has to be balanced and ideally cost neutral, savings in NHS provision could cover the costs of energy.

by Tony on August 30, 2022 at 12:29PM

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  • Posted by carolynburch September 04, 2022 at 10:56

    Energy pricing as it is at present adds to the shockingly high levels of inequality in the UK - worst in Europe (we are still in Europe geographically ....) - social tariffs might help in the short term but in the long term we need to move rapidly to more cheaply generated and safer energy, i.e. renewables, and price it affordably - unhooking it from inflated gas/oil prices for a start!
  • Posted by Greengirl September 04, 2022 at 12:05

    I agree with the above comments
  • Posted by elliottait September 05, 2022 at 14:19

    Agree, everything must be done to protect those most vulnerable to rising energy prices
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