Encourage investment

Encourage and support industry with high energy demands to relocate to the Highlands where there will be a concentration of renewable energy generation that would be more cost effective and potentially cost neutral if they invest in solar panels to offset their cost profile, i.e., data centres, vertical farming, manufacturing plant.

Why the contribution is important

We need to ensure that a variety of industry is attracted to the area so that innovation and application of products related to renewables can be incorporated into modern workplaces by direct and indirect means.

by Kasurale on August 26, 2022 at 02:32PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by Tony August 28, 2022 at 09:13

    If I remember correctly - most (if not all the data links) in Scotland run on the east of scotland. Placing data centres in these areas would seem to be a sensible proposition.

    The only cautions I have regarding this is that building industries in areas where power is produced could cause issues due to impact on the local environment and also require extensive infrastructure (road, rail etc.) investments to be made. As energy can be transmitted locating near these areas would not always be necessary.

    Local community views must be considered if industry is being located in areas - the impact could further devastate these reasons.
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