Ensure that regional variations are considered in plans

Scotland has a wide range of environments and building stock.

A large number of solutions are not valid in remote regions, such as the highlands and islands.

When policies are being developed consideration must be given to differences in regions to ensure that solutions are suitable for all regions.

Why the contribution is important

There have been a number of policies from the Scottish government which are completely impractical with older properties in more rural locations.

Even though this has been raised, no changes to policies have been made and there are just the usual platitudes about how things will be considered in the future. But while waiting for this people are in energy poverty and can not gain access to improvements that would help reduce this.

This approach should be unacceptable.

All communities in Scotland should be treated equally. If a just transition is to be just - then all groups need to be considered not just large urban regions.

by Tony on August 24, 2022 at 10:35AM

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  • Posted by bwrichard August 25, 2022 at 15:42

    This should be so obvious that it doesn't need stating, but alas the Scottish Government lives in a Central Belt bubble and pay little heed to those who live in the Highlands and Islands.
  • Posted by LJ August 25, 2022 at 18:38

    As the previous comment stated, these points should be obvious. It’s not sensible for anyone living rurally to rely on just one form of energy. In our older property we use bottled gas for some cooking, together with electric, oil for hot water and heating and a log burner for heating. The recent power cuts from storm damage demonstrates that it’s not practical or safe to rely just on electricity. This needs to be considered when planning.
  • Posted by Kasurale August 26, 2022 at 13:38

    I support the idea and concur with the other comments. Many in the Highlands and Islands would like to be more 'green' but the supply chain is not supported and therefore it is impractical and fiscally disastrous for the average homeowner to install heat pumps or electric vehicles.
  • Posted by JeanPhilips August 31, 2022 at 14:06

    The difference in environment in Scotland is self-evident. Different solutions for different needs with a government minister responsible for disseminating information about pilot projects, projects requiring funding, successful arrangements that people can share, forums,etc. No point keep re-inventing the square wheel or keeping quiet about a wheel that can achieve all things.
  • Posted by AngelaMLAnderson September 01, 2022 at 15:19

    I agree, many policicies are predicted on urban modelling.
  • Posted by Eoghann September 08, 2022 at 14:43

    I agree with this in the sense that no Strategy or Policy should be "updated or renewed" without an independent and objective assessment of the previous one - otherwise the same mistakes are likely to keep being repeated.
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