Establish Solar Manufacturing here in Scotland

- Develop solar panel manufacturing capability here in Scotland.
- Develop solar panel recycling capability here in Scotland.

Thus, we create a circular economy where we can make our own solar panels and then recycle them at end of life into new solar panels, ensuring long term stability. We can also export them, and import them for recycling.

Creates new heavy industry jobs which are needed to replace north sea gas jobs.

Why the contribution is important

According to the IEA, the vast majority of all solar power manufacturing occurs in China:

We need to divest from this for a number of reasons:
- Transportation is expensive and at the moment not very green at all.
- Politically, we've seen the consequences when our energy trade with Russia is disrupted, we need to have alternatives should some trade war start with China.

Having locally manufactured solar panels would also offer something we could export, which is important as (for better or worse) we need to seek new trade deals post Brexit.

Establishing an R&D base for solar power here in Scotland could also drive new developments in a way that we are the first to benefit from them. This could also attract investment.

by lm0001 on September 08, 2022 at 12:40PM

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  • Posted by grahamworrall September 08, 2022 at 13:21

    Of course we need local manufacturing and advice and installers. We also need to make it easy for people to put in micro generation. At present the planning process is awful. I have had to pay an architect to submit an application as mine was rejected and I couldn't understand why. So far the architect has cost me over a grand and I am no further forward
  • Posted by AngelaMLAnderson September 08, 2022 at 22:33

    Local manufacture should be supported . If there are environmental concerns we need to control that and we should be in a position to do that. We can keep exporting our pollution. We should be divesting and diverting from fossil fuel technologies
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