Fix Transmission Charges

Transmission charges in Scotland are higher than other regions, in part this was due to the historical production of electricity at central locations and the losses incurred in transmitting energy to where it is used.

In the renewable world generation is moving to remote regions yet even though the energy is produced here the transmission charges are still higher.

These should be reduced.

Why the contribution is important

These remote areas are suffering from the blight of wind turbines etc. and yet are expected to pay more for electricity produced in their backyard.

What is galling about this is that they are also expected to pay more on their bills for the infrastructure that transmits the power to central areas.

This can not be classed as just.

by Tony on August 26, 2022 at 08:49AM

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  • Posted by ErikDalhuijsen August 29, 2022 at 22:13

    The whole grid management structure is inadequate and needs adapting to what we know the future *must* bring: high renewables penetration, distributed generation and storage (heat and power), local preferential use, increased resilience, reduced demand, and lower overall cost. And then some...
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