Run pilot schemes

Migrating to net zero has massive impact on infrastructure requirements (power lines, charging points, turbines and so forth).

As with anything of this complexity there will be unforeseen issues. Rather than wait for these to turn up large scale pilot schemes could be used to find these issues early and fix them before the become a major issue in reaching net zero.

Scotland has the benefit of a numerous islands. As these are relatively self contained these could be used as test beds for net zero - forming communities that are net zero.

Why the contribution is important

There is a risk of massive overspend and wasted money in moving to next zero. Getting it wrong could devastate the economy and mean that targets are missed with the effect this has on climate change.

Large scale pilot schemes in controlled areas would be expensive but mistakes made here would be cheap compared to mistakes on a national level.

Empowering communities in this way could also be used as part of plans around having a Circular economy - for example using renewables and vertical farming to reduce the need to import vegetables.

Making communities self-sufficient could also help with depopulation as well.

by Tony on August 28, 2022 at 09:28AM

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  • Posted by JeanPhilips August 31, 2022 at 14:18

    Goes without saying that there is NOT a one-size fits all solution.
    What are entrepreneurs for? Why should we neglect the inspiration and enthusiasm of our young people and people from other places for whom their ideas worked well elsewhere?
    Vibrant communities all over being part of the new Scotland.
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